暮光同人aliceXbella英文版分章 67

Janine / 著
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"She does not," Bella muttered into the table. "She just thinks I have a crush on you.”


Alice laughed lightly. "It's okay, she understands," Alice said smiling. "I am 'quite an attractive girl' after all," she continued lifting her hands to air quote the last part of her statement. "Sweet too," she added, quoting from one of Renee's emails Charlie was sure.

"Oh shut up," Bella murmured, lifting her head to glare at Alice though she was smiling at the same time.

Alice looked over at Charlie and lifted her hands up, shrugging helplessly.

"Speaking of Renee," Alice began, her gaze becoming more serious as she looked at Charlie. "Did Bella ever tell you what my parents got her for her birthday last year?”

"Alice," Bella hissed, her eye narrowing in earnest at her girlfriend, as Charlie lifted a questioning eyebrow.

"No, she didn't," Charlie responded, leaning forward curiously.

"Normally, I would have waited for Bella to bring it up," Alice began. "But she's been a bit distracted with school and work lately, and well, time is running out so I thought I better mention it," she continued, her thumb stroking the back of Bella's hand as spoke.

"Bring what up?" Charlie asked, noting the unconscious caress.

"Esme and Carlisle got Bella two plane tickets to Florida so that she could visit her mother," Alice related. "Things were a little complicated for a while there, but now there's not much of a problem," she continued, the last part of statement being directed at Bella. "They're going to expire soon and I think that Bella should go see Renee. Apparently I'm not a very persuasive speaker however, so I thought you might have more luck convincing her.”

Bella had mentioned missing Renee and wanting to see her a couple of times, but when Alice had brought up the tickets all those weeks ago, Bella had refused the idea, murmuring about timing. Alice knew that the real reason she didn't want to use them was because she would have then had to choose who she was going to take with her – herself or Edward – and Bella hadn't wanted to have to choose.

"That was very generous of them," Charlie said glancing at Alice, who smiled.

"They love Bella," she said happily. "I think they like her better than Rosalie.”

Bella smiled and slapped Alice lightly on the arm. "I'm gonna tell Rose you said that.”

"Please don't," Alice said in a cowed voice, though her eyes were bright. "She scares me.”

Bella laughed at that and Alice grinned at her, while Charlie looked up towards the ceiling wondering how it could have taken him so long to see it.

"Well, I for one think it's a wonderful idea," Charlie said looking over at Bella when she was through worshiping Alice with her eyes. "Your mother would love to see you, and it would be a shame to let such a thoughtful and expensive present go to waste," he continued.

Charlie was silent for a moment after that, his eyes tracking over to Alice, watching her contemplatively for a moment.

"I take it the second ticket would be for you?" Charlie asked holding Alice's gaze.

Alice nodded, her face composed and serious as she did, which Bella was glad for. She was afraid that Alice was going to shoot him a lascivious smirk or something that would have made him refuse to let them be alone together ever again, let alone take a trip together. She should have known better though. Alice was very good at handling people, and she was an expert at handling Charlie.

Charlie nodded, his brows furrowing a bit. He breathed in and out deeply, then relaxed back into his chair.

"I think it's a wonderful idea," he repeated, though it was clear to everyone in the room that he was less than enthused by the idea that Bella would be going away on a sleep away vacation with her girlfriend. "You're mother would love to see you," he finished, deciding that he would have a talk with Bella before she left.

The truth was, the more he watched them together, the more he began to think that the talk would be coming too late. And, when he considered the amount of times they had been away together already, he was almost convinced that the talk would be coming too late. However, the fact remained that he was a father and it was his duty to have the talk with Bella whether it made a difference or not.

Besides, if he was too late with the talk, it wasn't like she was going to end up knocked up, and that thought made him feel better about the possibility of his little girl already having become a woman.

"Alright," Bella sighed looking between the two of them before throwing her hands up in the air, "fine. We'll go.”

"Fantastic," Alice declared leaning back against her chair happily, ignoring Bella's surly tone. "We can go swimsuit shopping tomorrow!”

Bella gave the fakest smile in the world to that and Charlie couldn't help but smile. Alice may have loved shopping, but he knew his daughter liked it about as much as he did. He didn't have a doubt in the world that they would go swimsuit shopping the next day, however. Both of them seemed to be willing to endure activities they weren't all that fond of in order to be around each other.

"Now that that's settled," Charlie began, turning his attention to Alice once more. "You don't like the Cavs, do you?”

He had said it wouldn't stop him from objecting to their relationship, and that was true. But, finding out she was a fan might have made her seem a little less wonderful and shiny to him.

Alice smiled and shook her head happily.

"You don't even know who they are, do you?" Charlie asked knowingly a few seconds after that.

Still smiling, Alice shook her head from side to side once again.

"You know I'm going to teach you know, right?" Charlie responded smiling.

Alice sighed and nodded, before turning her head to look at Bella, her eyes wide.

"Dad," Bella whined on Alice's behalf. "She's a girl. She likes shopping and head bands and Sephora, not sports franchises.”

"And shoes," Alice interjected. "I really, really like shoes," she added grinning.

"You're dating my daughter, we need to bond," Charlie said crossing his arms.

It's what father's did when people were dating their daughters. Usually it was easier because most boys liked sports, but he was going to give it the old college try anyway. Heck, he'd even tried to bond with Edward, and he didn't even like him.

"You've already bonded," Bella replied staring at Charlie. "You guys talk all the time," she continued frowning a little bit. "You two have been talking to each other on the phone every week for like two months," she said shooting Alice a pissy look because the vampire still refused to tell her what they were talking about all the time.

Charlie uncrossed his arms. He couldn't disagree with her, he and Alice got along pretty well, and they had been conspiring together about Bella's university applications for months. Not to mention that sometimes Alice just liked to call him to say 'hi', sometimes literally just 'hi', which amused and charmed him to no end.

Charlie almost laughed at the thought. He often had no idea how Alice's brain worked, but strange and foreign as it was to him, he found her utterly enchanting; which, he supposed, meant that they had 'bonded'. But, he still kind of wanted to get her into sports.

"I like cars," Alice said seeing Charlie's face fall.

"You've got a 911 Turbo, don't you?" Charlie asked, and Bella could see him beginning to salivate. She knew he had wanted to take a look under the car the moment he had seen it, but he had been shy to ask Alice about it – no matter how many times she had told him that Alice wouldn't mind.

Alice nodded, and then smiled slowly at him.

"You wanna drive it?" she asked, and the way his eyes lit up she could have sworn that she was looking at a five year old who had just been given a double-scooped ice-cream cone.

"Yes," Charlie said nodding. "Yes, I do.”

"Do you want to drive it now?" Alice asked knowingly, fully grinning at him.

"Yes," Charlie said nodding. "Yes, I do.”

Alice laughed happily and popped up onto her feet, her hand still holding onto Bella's as the brunette rose to her feet at a more reasonable pace.

"Road trip!" Alice declared holding up her hand, grinning at Charlie and wiggling her hand until he gave her a high five.
